Hot spring

    The majestic Andes mountain range, an active volcanic arc, whose underground movements have given rise to a unique hot spring in Puyehue. The lava flows that emanate from the Casablanca volcano infiltrate the depths of the earth, impregnating its benefits in our hotel and in the Puyehue National Park.

    Puyehue Thermal Waters

    The waters that spring from Puyehue are the result of a magical union between the rains that filter into the depths of the earth and the heat of the thermal spring of magmatic origin. The rain falls, and travels for 60 years, from the surface through the different earth strata until reaching the end of the hot spring. Here it reaches temperatures that range between 43°C and 86°C, and finally after this long process, the water reappears on the surface of our lands. In this trajectory, the waters acquire an important and beneficial mineralization for health, allowing it to be a source of well-being and balance for our body.

    Its high temperature stimulates oxygenation
    Its minerals strengthen the immune system
    They reduce pain and relieve muscle tension
    Floating relieves pressure on the joints
    Relax the body and mind

    Heals body and soul.

    Its high temperature stimulates oxygenation
    Its minerals strengthen the immune system
    They reduce pain and relieve muscle tension
    Floating relieves pressure on the joints
    Relax the body and mind

    Heals body and soul.

    Swimming pools

    Discover our three pools, each designed with a unique purpose: relaxation, swimming and entertainment.

    Experience the rejuvenating power of our hot springs.


    From the depths of the earth, feel how the water flows through your body