Termas de Puyehue Hotel is located in a humid temperate forest,
an ecosystem featuring century-old trees reaching over fifty meters in height.
It is nestled in a basin surrounded by Andean peaks,
facing Lake Puyehue.
The biosphere surrounds our planet Earth; life happens, diverse, original, and exuberant. Outside of it, no life has been found. To protect it, UNESCO declares Puyehue National Park a Biosphere Reserve, with 107,000 hectares of protected wilderness.
Galaxias Maculatus
"Puyehue" means "place of the Puye." This is a small ancestral fish that descends from the mountains to spawn in the estuaries.
Chusquea Culeou
Alcedo Atthis
Morchella Esculenta
Mergenetta Armata
Lycalopex Culpaeus
Macrocyclis Peruvianus
Santiago – Osorno: 1 hour 40 min.
Santiago – Puerto Montt: 1 hour 45 min.
Osorno – Hotel: 1 hour aprox.
Entre Lagos – Hotel: 30 min. aprox.
Puerto Montt – Hotel: 2 hours aprox.
Osorno or Puerto Montt Airport – Hotel
Contact: reservas@hotelpuyehue.cl
Buenos Aires – Santiago: 2 hours 20 min.
Santiago – Osorno: 1 hour 40 min.
Paso Cardenal Samoré: 3 hours from Bariloche
Osorno – Hotel: 1 hour
Osorno or Puerto Montt Airport – Hotel
Contact: reservas@hotelpuyehue.cl
The water is good for us.
Rain becomes river and lake.
It falls like a waterfall, emerges as thermal.
Email: reservas@hotelpuyehue.cl
Reserves: +562 600 293 6000
Reception: +56 64 2 331600
Adress: Ruta Internacional 215 km. 76, comuna de Puyehue, Provincia de Osorno, Región de los Lagos, Chile.