Terms and Conditions

    Overview This document regulates the terms and conditions under which you have the right to access and use the services of the website www.puyehue.cl and any information, text, video, or other material communicated on the website.

    On this website, you may use, free of charge, the software and mobile applications that allow you to browse, visit, compare, and, if you wish, purchase the services displayed here.

    We recommend that you carefully read these terms and conditions for your information.

    These terms and conditions will be applied and deemed incorporated into each contract you enter into with Hotel Termas de Puyehue Ltda. (hereinafter “Puyehue”) through this website.

    The use of this website, the application of these terms and conditions, the actions you take, and the contracts you enter into through this website are subject to the laws of the Republic of Chile, especially Law 19.496 for the protection of consumer rights.

    Puyehue will strictly apply all benefits, warranties, and rights recognized in favor of consumers in Law 19.496.

    Freedom of Navigation and Acceptance of Terms and Conditions Merely visiting this site does not impose any obligation on the user, unless the user explicitly expresses, through positive actions, the intention to contract with the company to acquire services, as indicated in these terms and conditions.

    To accept these terms and conditions, the user must click where the Puyehue website offers this option on the user interface with the phrase “I have read and accept” or an equivalent that allows giving unequivocal consent to acceptance.

    How to Contract? To make purchases on this site, follow these steps by completing the required fields and clicking on the corresponding buttons:

    1. Enter the period you want to book and the number of adults, children, and infants.
    2. Among the displayed options, select the program and the most suitable accommodation.
    3. Add the additional services you require.
    4. Enter your name, contact information (including email), choose a payment method, and accept the terms and conditions.
    5. Make the payment with your credit or debit card through Webpay Plus or MercadoPago.
    6. Once the payment is made, the screen will display: description of selected services, including check-in and check-out dates, number and type of rooms, price, payment method, total value of the transaction, purchase conditions, and a unique purchase code. Additionally, the same information will be sent to the registered email.

    Payment Methods Unless a different method is indicated for specific cases or offers, the products and services informed on this site can only be paid through the payment platforms WebPay Plus and MercadoPago, using the following payment methods on these platforms:

    1. Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club International, or American Express, issued in Chile.
    2. Debit cards under the Redcompra system, issued in Chile by national banks.
    3. Bank transfer through Puyehue.

    Users understand that these payment platforms and methods belong to third-party service providers, independent and not linked to Puyehue. Therefore, the continuity of their service provision over time, as well as the proper functioning of their online payment tools and buttons, is the sole responsibility of the service providers and not Puyehue.

    Cancellation/Modification Policies Any modification, change, or cancellation must be requested in writing, via email to reservas@puyehue.cl, indicating the passenger’s name.

    Penalties for cancellation according to the date of the cancellation request:

    1. You can cancel up to 5 days before the check-in date at no additional cost.
    2. In case of a NO SHOW, 100% of the total reserved stay will be charged.

    In case of force majeure, the conditions are as follows:

    1. 25% refund of the total reservation.
    2. Or change the reservation for another date. The reservation must be changed within the next 48 hours and for a date within the current year.
    3. Force majeure includes war, epidemics, quarantines, natural disasters, strikes, local civil unrest, border closures, or similar causes beyond the control or responsibility of the hotel, making it impossible to make the facilities available.

    Responsibility Puyehue will not be responsible for:

    1. Improper use that users or visitors to the site may make of the materials displayed, industrial property rights, and intellectual property rights.
    2. Damages or potential damages suffered by buyers and/or users due to the operation of search tools and errors generated by technical elements of the site or search engine.
    3. Contents of pages that buyers or users may access with or without Puyehue’s authorization.
    4. Access by minors or persons without capacity, under the terms of the corresponding legislation, to contents related to the contractual relationship arising from the site.
    5. Loss, misuse, or unauthorized use of their validation code, whether by the user and/or buyer, buyers, or third parties, after the purchase has been made in the manner expressed in the terms and conditions. The parties acknowledge and record that the computational platform provided by Puyehue is not infallible, and therefore, circumstances beyond Puyehue’s control may occur, resulting in the site or computational platform not being operational for a certain period.

    Puyehue does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the site’s operation, nor that users can access the promotions and offers on the site at any time.

    Puyehue is not responsible for viruses or other elements in electronic documents stored on users’ computer systems. Puyehue is not responsible for the damages caused to the client from the inappropriate use of the technologies made available, regardless of the manner in which these technologies are misused. Puyehue is not responsible for damages caused to the site by the improper and bad faith use of users and/or buyers. However, in the event of a double payment by a user or buyer on the site, Puyehue will refund the overpaid amount within 10 business days of receiving the respective written claim from the user or buyer, along with the original proof of overpayment for the contracted service.

    Throughout the purchase process and communication with payment platforms, Puyehue uses digital security certificates (SSL) to encrypt communication. Customers make payments on the WebPay Plus and MercadoPago payment platforms, which also use encrypted communication. Puyehue does not handle or store financial data of its customers.

    In any case, Puyehue’s contractual, extra-contractual, or legal liability to users, buyers, or visitors to the site will not exceed the price actually paid by the buyer in consideration for the product or service, without prejudice to what the Courts of Justice may determine.

    Data Security User Responsibility for Information Registered on the Site

    Puyehue will take the necessary and prudent measures to safeguard data security, such as information encryption systems, security certificates, or others that the company deems appropriate. In case of changes in the information registered on the site or any irregularity in transactions related to user identification or payment method, or simply as a measure to protect identity, our executives may contact you by phone or email to verify your data.


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